Existing Customers

At Roma Finance we pride ourselves on delivering outstanding customer service. It is an especially challenging time for many at this time and we are doing all we can to proactively support our customers.

There are a number of ways you can help us help you

You can now request a Redemption Figure online. Simply click here to fill in a few details and a member of our customer service team will be in touch with your statement.

We are here to listen and support you. If you wish to speak to a member of the customer service team please fill in our Request a Callback form and we will be in touch shortly. If you wish to speak to us immediately please call us on 0161 817 7480 between 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

Obtaining third party support

If you are experiencing financial difficulties its worth talking to an independent third party. Below are some links you may find useful:


We strive to provide a high-quality service to all our customers and aim to ensure an effective, fair and consistent approach and customer care, every time. Occasionally, we may not always meet your expectations, if this happens please contact us to let us know.

How to inform us of your complaint
You may send an email to complaints@romafinance.co.uk or contact us in writing to:

Customer services
Roma Finance
15 Carnarvon Street
Cheetham Hill
M3 1HJ

When to expect a reply
We will do our best to resolve your complaint as soon as we receive it. If we are unable to resolve it straight away, we will refer your complaint to one of our Senior Managers who will acknowledge your complaint within 48 hours. The Senior Manager will take ownership of your complaint and conduct a full investigation and address any concerns that you may have.

The person investigating the complaint, will inform you of our final response within five working days. If you’re not satisfied with our final response to your complaint and feel that the issue has not been satisfactorily resolved, you may be able to refer your complaint to a Director.

Your right to referral
The escalated complaint will be acknowledged within 14 working days of receiving it and we will notify when you can expect to receive a reply, which will be a further 14 working days from receiving the acknowledgement. If this is not possible a progress report will be sent with an indication when a full reply will be given.

If you are still not satisfied with the response to your complaint from the Managing Director and still feel that the problem has not been satisfactorily resolved, you may be able to escalate your complaint to the Board of Directors.

You can expect to receive a definitive reply within 28 working days. If this is not possible a progress report will be sent with an indication when a full reply will be given. The decision taken at this stage is final.

Please note: Complaints about Un Regulated lending fall outside the jurisdiction for the Financial Ombudsman service (FOS).